Artwork: Sinead Begley
Fast Facts
Scientific Name: Dipturus intermedia
Gaelic Name: Scalaphort
Range: Although previously a common fish species in the North East Atlantic, only small localized populations now remain in Ireland and in North West Scotland.
Habitat: Mixed ground
Lifespan: Up to 100 yrs.
Reproduction: Adults start reproducing at about 11 years of age and females breed every other year, mating in the spring and laying up to 40 eggs in sandy and muddy areas. The incubation period for the eggs is thought to be over a year.
Diet: Other species of skate, catsharks, anglerfish and other large fish, as well as crustaceans and cephalopods.
Predators: Seals, humans.
Conservation status: Listed as Critically Endangered by the IUCN.
The Flapper Skate’s eggcase can be easily overlooked on the beach as its golden bark exterior makes it look more like plant material!

The eggcase can measure up to 16 cm in length.
If you see one of these rare eggcases while beachcombing, please do report it to your local mermaid’s purse sightings scheme.