Report your mermaid’s purse sighting here!
Purse Search Ireland is an exciting marine conservation project that involves public participation – that means you can take part! The project is a massive nationwide search for mermaids’ purses, the eggcases of sharks and skates. We’re hunting for these eggcases because they can provide valuable information on the location of nursery areas for Ireland’s egglaying sharks and skates.
Information on nursery areas is crucial for effective conservation management and protection of vulnerable species. It’s also important for the sustainable development of our fisheries. So if you are a keen beachcomber and have seen a mermaid’s purse on any shoreline around Ireland, we would love to hear from you!

If you’d like to do more, you could organise a dedicated eggcase hunt, which provides us with even more information. The more information that we receive from you, the more successful the project will be in terms of being able to provide something positive for marine conservation in Ireland.
We are most grateful to the following organisations for their generous support through funding and donations to the programme in previous years.
If you represent an organisation that is seeking to develop partnerships in the field of community based conservation research or environmental education, please do get in touch as we would love to hear from you!